Tag Archives: amazon

Sir Walter Raleigh

Today we have been researching the life and times of Sir Walter Raleigh. We have created a timeline of his life as well as keynotes about him. Did you know he went to the Amazon Rainforest to search for El Dorado (the Lost City of Gold). Do you think he found it?


Deforestation…the debate

Today in our literacy lesson we had a debate about deforestation. Our class was split into two groups. One group had to argue for deforestation and the other group argues against deforestation. To help us we researched the pros and cons of deforestation on the planet. After our debate we took a vote and it was unanimous….class 6 are against deforestation.

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Amazon Rainforest

Welcome back for the summer term. This term class 6 will be learning about Rainforests. We will be focussing on the Amazon Rainforest. We have already learnt that it can be found in South America and is home to many animals and tribes.